Thursday, April 5, 2012

Egging on Vintage Easter Decorating

A hoppy, slightly-early Easter to you, my friends! As a big fan of both Spring and pastels, I couldn't resist doing a small Easter display in my diningroom. That's a thrifted Shabby Chic table cloth I'm using as a mantle scarf at the moment.

I found this sugary-looking Easter sign at Marshall's several months ago and just had to snag it. It looks a bit like it's made of Peeps! (I suspect it would not be tasty, though. Sorry.)

Easter also gave me an excuse to bring out a few of my Hull vases. This one in particular has always had an eggly vibe, so there seemed no better time than now to feature it...


Here you can see the table itself. The pink tablecloth was thrifted. The placemats were off-season discount from Tuesday Morning. The candelabra was a thrifted find that I tarted up with some pearly pink paint, and the plates are mostly Hazel Atlas Platonite from the 50s.

Just one last shot so you can see the matching table and mantle together.

I hope those of you who are celebrating Easter have yourselves a memorable one filled with family, friends and food! And those who have other plans, may the weekend be a good one.