Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Case of the Nancy Drew Journal Giveaway Winners

It's a mystery no longer! Who are the two winners of the Nancy Drew journal giveaway? The evidence is in. Let's recap the investigation with dramatic flashbacks.

All entrants left a comment on the original Nancy Drew giveaway post here on The Thrift Shop Romantic, and there were some terrific stories about beloved books-- so I thank you all for sharing them with me.

Then, each of those names was written onto a small folded slip of paper, and put into a Pyrex gooseberry-patterned bowl. Because we did not have a hat handy and believe in improv.

To make sure no evil work was afoot, we had two independent observers to insure the drawing was above board...

They didn't duck out on their duties.

And then the winners were drawn...

Congratulations to Peggy and Caroline on your winning entries! Please email me at thriftshopromantic (at) mac dot com with an address you feel comfortable with sharing, so I can mail you your journals!

And me, I have some actual off-line places to be today, so I'm afraid this will be a quick post today. But never fear-- Wednesday promises a Treasure Box of thrifted goodies to show you. And Next Sunday's post? Well-- that will remain another mystery. For now.

Otherwise, I hope you see you this coming Wednesday! Thanks to everyone who participated this last week!


  1. Oooh, Nancy Drew. She was my idol many years ago!

  2. Congrats, ladies! Hey, I love your ducks, but I think they're complaining that there's something in their water bowl!

  3. Your independent observers quacked me up.

    Congrats to the winners.

  4. AHotBath- Ah, and you are absolutely not alone in that one! :)

    Sue- Heh, you might have a point. I mean, how many famous cartoon ducks do we know that don't have a little bit of a temper?

    Da Old Man- Well, we like to be fair with these things. At 6am, my duck friends were the only ones around to observe!

  5. My daughter is going to be so happy!
    Thank you!

  6. Was that THE Caroline Keene that won??? LOL

  7. Guess she spells her name Carolyn.

  8. Thank you so very much for my chance to win. It is really lovely!


  9. Congrats to the winners!!
    Hope you had a nice weekend Jenn.
    Chat soon,

  10. The journal is very delightful. I had one to jot everything down in and enjoyed using it.

    I just finished my Wonder Woman one (since it's at capacity) and have broken in my Emily the Strange notebook.
