Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Leisures

A time to reap, a time to sow... a time to stuff your face with hotdogs roasted over an open fire and spend time with family and friends.

That was what I was doing yesterday. And I got back from it all just a bit too late to post.

We had a beautiful day for the annual Labor Day wienie roast. There was a constant breeze and the sky was filled with blowing clouds...

And vultures!...

My friend Scoobie's little bro gathers monarch caterpillars every year and watches them go through their adolescence into full-grown butterflies. So I got to take some pictures of his elaborate butterfly habitat. The caterpillars were too busy munching milkweed to care about the photo shoot...

Here's one that's already turned into a chrysalis. I'm always amazed by the soft green and gold-trimmed work these worms manage...

The gourds there are doing well this year. And there was a variety like I'd never seen. I've always been fond of these cute little pumpkin-shaped ones...

But check out this type called the Caveman's Club!...

I'd asked the little brother who is in fact not so little to stick his hand in there to help show some perspective. Now that is one hefty gourd!

This sunflower looks weary, ready to call the season to a close...

And the hay is being baled into great round rolls...

Cows rest sleepily in the meadow among the trees and rocks...

The sun hides languidly among the clouds...

And Scout, having begged and devoured entirely too many pork products bearing the "dog" name, has settled down to digest all of this food and added attention from the picnic guests.

I don't blame her. I could use a nap today myself!

Hope you all have a non-laborious Labor Day, if you're celebrating!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful, relaxing time - just what Labor Day weekend should be :)

  2. Great pics Jenn. Sounds like you've had a much better weekend than me!

    FYI you 'bale' hay, 'bail' is what you do to get the water out of the bathtub when the sewer backs up.

  3. DP- Yup, it was lovely-- and I didn't even take pics of the food! :)

    Melanie- I'm sorry to hear you had a lousy weekend! And yes, I realized the "bale" issue too late, when I was off-line. I was apparently not trying to labor the ol' brain much. :)

  4. The pictures are beautiful! Sounds like a fabulous weekend!

  5. Neelam- I suppose to be TRULY realistic, I should have shown pictures of us with ketchup and relish all over us. :) But yep, it was a lovely day.

  6. Those are some lovely pictures! Thanks for sharing.
