Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Treasure Box Wednesday: Forgotten Furnishings and Painted Putti

The last few days have been full of surprises for me. Things I've put away years ago, to decorate the blue bedroom my friend was using, have suddenly been unearthed and brought to light.

It almost feels like one of those time travel films, where Past Me leaps into the future and plants the seeds of things Present Me might need now.

Let's hear it for Past Me!

One of my favorite finds was this trio of cherubs I'd painted a good long while ago...

No masterpieces by any means, these whimsical and ornery-looking putti (based on the cherubs at the bottom of the throw I'm using on the couch) have certainly made me smile. I have vague memories of giving them irreverent-- yet appropriate-- names...

Like Buster...
And, something like Bud...
Perhaps they'll serve my decorating needs yet as I continue to pull that blue room together!

I also have been dusting off some flea marketed lyre furniture. I have two endtables like this, and a coffeetable, all with about the same level of poor finish...

But I'm thinking a lick of off-white paint will both brighten them up and hide all of the dings and scratches in that veneer.
Don't worry, they're not priceless Chippendale or anything. They're probably from the Depression era.

I thought you'd also like to see that framed tapestry now that the frame has been gold-leafed...

It's much cleaner from the chipped dark brown it was, and in the daylight in that room, gives off a nice inviting glow.

Lastly, I forgot all about this thrifted needlepoint stool I got to go with my thrifted chair. This was just a few bucks from the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store in Monroeville a few years ago...

So, I feel like things are really coming together. I need to make some decisions about what goes where, and I need to invest in a tin of cream paint. But I'm excited about the way it's turning out.

At the very least, it's keeping me out of trouble.

The same, however, cannot necessarily be said for those mischievous cherubs.

Otherwise, I'll see you Sunday, perhaps, for our next post and hopefully a bit more progress!


  1. I really envy your creativity. I love the idea of finding old things and making them special.

    Now, what's that last cherub hiding under his little cover-up? YOU must know!

  2. JD- Shhhh, we mustn't speak of it. :)

  3. I agree that an antique, "glass of milk" white would look so good on those tables- very simple to let their beautiful lines show.

  4. RM- Thanks much for the second opinion on the future color of those tables! Your timing is great, as I plan to pick up the paint this evening.

  5. You seems to be a very creative person. your blog looks perfect. Love enhancing them .

  6. Nice 'finds' :) I love when I find things that I had put away & forgotten about - like shopping in your own home.
