Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Treasure Box Wednesday: Party isn't Quite Over

Ah, before the winter winds whipped up and temperatures plummeted into the single digits, I'd gotten a chance to pick up just a few after-Christmas bargains.

And while I do love sharing great finds with you, I hope you won't find me too selfish in admitting their appearance here is probably as much for me as for you, my friends. Because how many of us have bought something after Christmas, put it away, and then completely forgot about it?

It was only last year's post on my mercury glass discoveries that reminded me what new goodies I could display for 2009!

So sometimes it takes a village... a discount bin Target Christmas village that is...

At 75% off, they might as well have just said, "Here, Jenn: put this under your coat and leave the building quickly."

I also snagged this large pink light-up vintage style church...
That probably would have made the coat bulky.

Other finds included some things for next Christmas and an assortment of things I can probably use throughout the year.
This angel was just $1.50 at the Goodwill. I thought she had such a pretty face, and she reminded me of antique religious statuary, the way her wings were done...
This little flocked child ornament seems to be made of plaster. It appears as if it might have come from a Victorian Christmas card illustration...
And a sale on scented candles brought a variety of inviting scents, some for the next holiday season and some, like the "Greenhouse" and "Herb" tarts, which should serve nicely any time during the year.
Well, that about wraps up this Treasure Box!

Keep warm, everybody! And let's think Spring, okay? Maybe if we all do it, it'll have some sort of effect. :)


  1. I love the angel.

    You make me want to go out to thrift stores and look for adorable things! But I don't know where I'd put them. And Prudence would have a field day with knick knacks. I already keep so many little things stuffed into drawers so she can't knock them off.

    So I'll enjoy all your cool stuff instead.

  2. Our Goodwill sells Christmas all year so they don't ever put it mn sale. Poor Me!

  3. I love your finds. I have not really discovered many holiday goodies at our GW. I usually love thrifting before and after the holidays as people tend to let go of things more during this time. This year, not so much. Maybe people are just stuck in their homes in Pittsburgh due to all this glorious snow!!

  4. Oh, I love Yankee Candle Tarts. They're my favorite brand.

    Our Goodwill is still full of Christmas decor to buy. None of it is marked down, though, which is crazy.

    Check out the buffet that I bought today. I posted pix on my blog.

    Keep warm, if that is possible!!


  5. Oh I got the pink church from Target also 75% cute! I also got the little white church, I missed the 'village' must have been sold out. I also got some ornaments at 90% off yesterday at Target and plan to make them into a wreath, next year of course!

  6. Jenn,
    Just wanted to tell you that I bought the same houses at Target! LOL!
