Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Thrift Shop Romantic's All a-Twitter!

Just a quick announcement to let you folks know that The Thrift Shop Romantic is now on Twitter!

I've been Tweeting on Twitter under my own name for quite a while, but this new account-- http://www.twitter.com/ThriftRomantic is designed specifically to talk thrifty ideas, decorating, crafts, and other home-related topics.

So, if you happen to be on Twitter yourself and care to join in the fun, Follow Me there. I'll follow back folks who aren't spammers, aren't trying to get me to buy motivational courses, or show me their nekkid photos. :)

(Plus, Tweeters from the Pittsburgh area who love thrift, I thought this would be a great way to get to know each other.)

Hope to see you there!


  1. Hi Jenn- I used to be so on top of the high-tech stuff when I was working. Now that I'm retired, I've become such a neo-nate. I opened a Facebook account at the urging of a few out-of-state friends, and I've heard of Twitter (you'd have to be living under that proverbial rock if the word Twitter were foreign to you). I still don't really know what to do with that darned Facebook thingy, and I'm the first to admit that I'm pretty much "Tweet-le Dumb" when it comes to Twitter. BUT, I'm gonna give it a try because I think it would be so cool to stay in touch with the author of the BEST thrifting blog I've ever read! Yep, I said it, You're My Thrifting Hero!!!

  2. You're too sweet, Colleen! Anyway, I'd be delighted to chat with ya on Twitter.

    Most social media like this is enjoyable depending on how you use and and who you follow/friend. I typically use it to keep in touch with folks and see what they're into/how they're doing.
