Sunday, April 13, 2008

Of Buds and Blogging Buddies

Long overdue is a post expressing my gratitude for the various blog awards recently passed along to me by a number of you, my fine "invisible friends" and fellow bloggers. So I thought today, as spring begins to show its fresh new colors, I would take a moment to share these awards with a few of you, as well as pass long a little of the beauty of season so far.

Thanks to SewDelish, for the "You Make My Day" award, and I apologize it's taken me this long to recognize it here. I figure if I've made anyone's day along the way, there's pretty much nothing better than that!

Thanks to Sindhoo of Under the Sun for conferring, wow, more blog awards at one time than I've ever seen. Makes a gal feel a bit like Kevin Costner when "Dances With Wolves" was up for the Oscars. :) Too many icons to even post here, but all very kind.

And thanks to Lidian of KitchenRetro for the "E for Excellence" award. She's a good egg, that Lidian-- and she can also tell you how that egg was used in about a million different retro cookbooks.

This leaves me to pass along the awards to some deserving bloggers myself. Following Lidian's example, I'm going to select ten folks who merit some attention. Of course, there are so many of you out there that deserve recognition for your blogging efforts and general camaraderie that frankly, I'd be here all day listing folks. So we're going with ten, and also, none of you need feel obligated to do anything regarding this-- just know you're appreciated.

  • Greg of The Midnight Garden. For beautiful photos, general kindness, and a terrific sense of humor.
  • Rosemary of Rose's Petite Maison. For adding sparkle (literally and metaphorically!) to vintage style crafting.
  • Sher "Grinnin' Grandma" of OldTimeMeArtist. For approaching everything with a dash of humor and a grin.
  • Ms. A over at LivingWithoutMoney. She works on a shoe-string budget, we cook with her, decorate with her and save money with her. And somehow she manages to have new posts daily.
  • ChrisMiss at This lady rides around in a caravan and blogs about her travels. You'll find her posting on from where ever she roams. I've enjoyed her insights!
  • Carrie at OakRiseCottage. She has such an eye for vintage needlework and art. It's always fun to see her most recent treasures.
  • Sujatha at Fluff-n-Stuff. A bright, funny lady who has a lot of great stories to share.
  • Lynn at the VintageNest for inspirational photography and great ideas.
Now-- as we move from the blogging buddies to plain old buds, I think we'll start here, with some recently-opened daffodils.

Here are a few of the grape hyacinth that have popped up. True to hyacinth fashion, there seem to be more each year and boss the daffodils around. :)

Here are just a few shots of the azaleas as they start to bloom. Another day or two, and these should be in full-force. The intense pinkish purple is an absolute joy to me.

Lastly, I noticed the bleeding heart seems to be leafing and happy. I can't wait until it starts putting out it's little pink garland of hearts. It's some much needed color in that part of the yard.

I hope spring is treating you all well, and I thank you all for being a part of this site, for the comments, the chuckles, the camaraderie-- everything. I love seeing what this spot has grown into-- it's a little bit like the spring garden, continually rewarding and so pleasing to see blossom.


  1. Jenn, I always wondered what grape hyacinth were called, knowing only that I really liked them.

    Your garden looks lovely - we are only just starting to see a little tiny bit of green up in Toronto. But then of course it is only a week or so since we had bits of snow still hanging around...

  2. Lidian- yup, the grape hyacinth are cute little things. And tend to plant themselves whereever they darned well feel like it. :) I think these somehow arrived from my neighbor's yard.

    You'll have your green before you know it, Lidian. It seems it was all bare just a few days ago and now everything has greened. You blink and it's changed.

  3. Jenn,
    Thanks for your kind mention of my blog.

  4. Carrie- my pleasure. :) I always enjoy stopping by.

  5. Hi Jenn,
    Congrats on your well deserved awards!! Thanks so much for passing an award on to me, I really appreciate it. I will have to pass it along to some fellow bloggers as well.
    The blooms are beautiful, by the way. I hope you are having a nice Sunday!! I am back to glittering my way through the weekend.
    Talk soon,

  6. Hey, I had rhododendrons and daffodils to share today, too!! Ye gods its fun watching spring spread across the blogosphere!

    Those are well-deserved kudos you've gotten there!

    And thanks for your link kindness to the Midnight Garden, too! It *is* nice to be appreciated!

    Nice to see your muscadari blooming--ours won't be far off, I hope. I just love those chubby little blue bells!!! My bleeding heart may beat yours to the finish line, tho--I think we can credit the bunny poo.

  7. Heya, Rosemary- Glad to do it. Have a great week and don't inhale too much glitter. :)

    Greg- I'll have to check out what you posted. I'm hoping to get shots this year of the neighbor's cherry tree. Last year it got cold and snowed just at the time it was about to bloom so we were cheated. It's usually pink magnificence. :)

  8. I'm so excited! I got an award!Thank you so much. My first award and I don't know the protocol. What do I do? Can I show it on my blog? Do I get to pass it on? Can I keep it forever or only a certain amount of time? I'm newish to blogging and very new to getting awards...Wheeee...I love it!!!! Thanks...Pam

  9. Thank you for the kind comments -- TSR was one of the first blogs I started reading and it's a big reason why I chose to blog. So big thanks to you Ms. Jen for inspiring us all!

  10. I don't know how I missed this post! As the adage goes, "better late than never" (I suppose). Or, could this be considered fashionably late? Either way, thanks for the awards and for the mention!
