Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Treasure Box Wednesday: Moppets and Wabbits and Warthogs, Oh My!

It was a mixed bag o' thrifting this week. I've been noticing that everybody and their grandmother seems to be at the thrifts lately. (Okay, well, not MY grandmother; she's no longer alive, so the surprise of THAT would be more than I could take.) But busy. Very busy at the thrifts.

As a result, I think things have looked a bit picked over.

HOWEVER, this didn't prevent me from finding some really fun things. Mostly, this week I have some cool gifts to show you.

The little sweetheart above is one of them. This porcelain doll came from the Red, White and Blue on Route 51, and I just loved her ornery expression. The moppet will go to a family friend for either Mother's Day, or Christmas-- I'm not sure which yet. The good lady collects dolls (same lady who received a pair of li'l gals LAST Christmas) and I know the wee lass will be going to a good home.

Here she is decked out in all her finery.

For myself, I found a couple of sets of nice vintage-look sheets. The Shabby Chic-styled guest room just cried out for these. And hey, at just $4.00 a set, it's pretty easy to give the guest room what it wants.

I also found the cute retro-printed purse...

But lastly, I found a few presents for my friend Scoobie's brother for his birthday. He's a good kid, and he's totally embraced the idea of thrifting. So I think he'll be tickled with these collectible juice glasses containing favs of his, Taz and Bugs Bunny. (I don't believe he has these particular ones in his collection yet, but he has a lot of character glasses.)

To complement this, he'll also receive a face only a mother could love... a mother WARTHOG, that is!

This potentially life-sized (if he were alive) Pumba from The Lion King still had his tags from the Warner Store. What is it about boys, that a flatulent warthog is just hysterical to them?

Of course, I admit I'm also going to really miss Pumba-- I've had fun putting him in various unexpected places around the house and startling my housemate. Pumba in the bathroom by the pedestal sink... Pumba in the hallway... Pumba at the front door...

Good times!

The challenge, I think, will be, how precisely to WRAP a warthog... Ah, well, I'll figure it out! Wish me luck.

Anyway, on Sunday, I hope to have something exciting for you. Simon and Schuster had asked me if I was interested in taking a look at a craft book they've just put out. So we'll be reviewing that and I think seeing, in particular, how these ideas might be applied for thrifty decorating. (Note, this is not any kind of paid review, or anything-- it's only my own little opinion. Just thought it might be fun and a little different!)

  • Oh-- and did you miss Sunday's post on "Of Buds and Blogging Buddies"? Just click here.
  • If you'd missed the previous Treasure Box Wednesday, on "The Real McCoy," click here.
Here's hoping the tax man went easy on you this year, my friends! See you soon.


  1. What...are you suggesting you don't find Pumba's poofs amusing?! (Girls...I just don't get them...heh heh...)

    To be honest, I thought that doll was just a little scary...

    Cool news about the book review...look forward to that!!

  2. I'm with Greg, the doll is a little spooky. Blame it on too many scary movies as a teen. LOL

    I have that Taz juice glass! And we also have Pumba at our house. My dd's fairy godfather uncle got it for her for Christmas. he thought it was hilarious and my dd loves that tootin' menace. So boys aren't the only ones who find humor in a warthog with a gas problem. LOL

  3. Greg and Chyna- ah, yes, I can see where the warthog photo is a bit... intense. :) In person he's actually pretty cute, and I'm not ordinarily pro-warthog (more of a Timon fan myself: "Sing with me, buddy!")

    Just creeping out one regular reader at a time :)


  4. I am quite excited about your upcoming book review - that is really cool!

    I found the doll a little scary too. But I liked Pumba, and I laughed at the thought of him in all the different places in your house!

  5. I just love visiting your blog to see what you picked up at the thrift shop,my sister pam,whitemorn and i go for a whole day into dublin city and cover all the shops about twelve of them,then its home to play,,, sorry i ment look at all our treasure. angie

  6. I love that doll baby. Here's one for you I once purchased a teddy bear for my aunt spent $10.00 on it it was stuffed w/ sawdust turns out it was worth $200

  7. Lidian- Hey, I'm glad. I'm kind of excited, too. I like to mix things up a little, so folks won't be yawning over the "same old thing," so this seemed like a fun opportunity.

    Yes, Pumba was ALL OVER the house. I feel a little sorry for my housemate, really-- having to face this warthog when she least expected it. I should probably give her a month's free of rent or somethin' for putting up with me. :) It was too funny, though. I'd place him somewhere and then wait for the peals of laughter.

    Angie- Welcome! Your sister is such a sweet person. And it's nice to have two partners-in-crime for shopping visiting. :)

    Shirley- Zowie- that's an amazing deal on the teddy. What a great gift for your aunt. You must have a good eye.

  8. I collect dolls. Due to termite problems they stopped making dolls w/ sawdust 100 years ago figured the same w/ the teddy. I know my dolls.

  9. Oh my gosh that doll is SCARY!! I think it would give me nighmares if it was in my I will ask the audience and see if maybe I am just weird though...

  10. OMG, I used to love thrifting but the shops are either way way picked over or the good "vintage" shops are super high-priced!
