Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Treasure Box Wednesday: From British Isles to Thrift Store Aisles

While many of us hard-core thrifters view thrift shopping as an adventure, some of our treasures take an equally exciting journey to reach us. Why, a single day of thrifting might reveal sake cups from Japan, hand-painted tole from France, steins from Germany, beautiful silks from India and elaborate carvings from Bali. My own father found a diggerydo from Australia once (and when space is limited, at over five foot tall, believe me-- it's a bit of a diggery-don't.)

As an Anglophile, I'm continually surprised at the sorts of things that turn up in thrift stores that originally came from the British Isles. So I thought I'd group a few of them together today in this Treasure Box Wednesday.

Like this Isle of Wite souvenir linen towel....

I found this at the Salvation Army Superstore out by Century III Mall. What was once someone's souvenir purchase becomes a fun collectible for someone new!

A while back, I uncovered this mug commemorating Prince Charles and Lady Diana's wedding, too...

At $0.99 at the Goodwill in Monroeville, it seemed too unique round these here parts to not put away for safekeeping. Perhaps in the U.K. they're available by the pound, but not here in the middle of Western Pennsylvania!

I was equally shocked to find this (sadly, empty) biscuit tin from the famous Harrod's department store in London. It's a nice size and would be great for storage of small items, like pens or thread spools.

And yesterday, I found another little reminder of England. While not made in that country, I was still rather tickled to discover this Department 56 Dickens Village Historic Landmark's light-up version of Big Ben...

Christmas may be half-a-year off, but this is going to look terrific in my William Morris styled living room at the holidays! And at just under $7, I know I got a pretty good deal.

Outside of the British theme, I thought I'd show you another Salvation Army Superstore find-- this Victorian transferware vase. There's some nice hand-painting to it, though a bit of damage to the top of the vase. Still, in a cabinet, it will be very pretty.

I found this vintage apron with handkerchief pockets at Goodwill for $1...

And last, I discovered matching vintage sheets-- though at two separate Salvation Armies. You just never know what's going to be where!

Well, before I say, "Cheerio" today (yes, yes, I know no one actually says "cheerio" unless breakfast cereal is involved,) I'll leave you with the following links:
  • If you missed last Treasure Box Wednesday's little spring garden tour, you might wish to click here.
  • And if you didn't catch Sunday's post on the conclusion to the Round Robin and my swap partner's thoughtful package to me, click here.


  1. You're making me salivate. :) You find the most cool stuff.

  2. Heya, Shirley- Thanks, it's awfully fun. Maybe you'll get to drive up north sometime and check the stores here out for yourself!

  3. What great finds! I love the linen towel and light up Big Ben!

  4. Mandi- interestingly I decided not to buy another Department 56 piece that was there-- I didn't recognize the building and with my arms full of Big Ben, I just didn't want to risk it and look. I popped back there today and-- lo, the piece was totally gone. I bet someone bought it yesterday. It really is all about timing!!

    Shirley-- that would be really cool.

  5. You snooze you lose I guess. What amazing finds your gotten over the years!!! If I ever get dragged to Pittsburgh you and I will have to go shopping while dh is at the game. Now that would be an awesome football weekend. Who knows, I may find that Steelers Garden Gnome. LOL

  6. Chyna- Absolutely let me know if you end up in Pittsburgh-- how fun would that be? I'd be more than happy to give you the grand junkin' tour. :)

  7. It's great to see your British thrift store finds. Thanks for stopping by and for your comment.

  8. Wow, you have some great thrift stores near you! I hardly ever find anything as great...

    I'll be back to read up!

  9. Hey, Carrie- you're quite welcome. And thank you for visiting. (Gosh, it's just a thanks-fest isn't it? :) )

    Hi Jillian- we are pretty lucky. I know thrifts vary a bit by area. I also go thrifting a LOT. And that does make a difference. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. You are inspiring me with your treasures--that Victorian vase is gorgeous. Enjoyed my stroll here!--Kay B. Day

  11. Hi, Kay- Ah, good! I'm passing on the thrift obsession to other folks-- all a part of my maniacal plan! :) Honestly, thanks for visiting-- always happy to have you here.

  12. Hey Jenn,
    Seems like such items cross the ocean easier than the Channel. Never seen any of it here in the thrift shops, or maybe I just don't have the eye for it... Enjoyed the post!

  13. Hi,
    Wonderful thriftshop finds! I have enjoyed visiting your blog.
    Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures!

    Ms. Daisy

  14. Another great haul. I love thrifting with you (vicariously!)...Pam

  15. What fab finds - as usual! I will have to see if I can find more English stuff up here, you'd think one would in Canada. I did fid DH here, and he's English (but not in a secondhand store, lol)

  16. Le-Chat- it's funny you don't find as much British stuff there in the Netherlands... I think your eye is pretty sharp, so I'm guessing it's not that.

    Ms. Daisy- thanks much to YOU for the visit!

    Pam- always happy to have you thrift vicariously WITH me! :)

    Lidian- you at least have British Cadbury bars there... what more does one need? :) (Well, that and your English hubby, of course...)

    Heh- just looking at the fine posters above, I realize we've got folks from Ireland, Holland, Canada and all across the US, just in one post! How fun is that? The internet never ceases to amaze me. Thanks to everyone for choosing to spend a little of your time here with me.

  17. That odd sheet matching has happened to me more often than I would expect - find one sheet at one store, the pillow cases at a rummage sale and a month later the other sheet at yet another thrift shop. I wonder how that happens. I love your Big Ben - I would want it out all year.
