Thursday, September 9, 2010

Treasure Box Thursday: Renaissance Plunder

Just a few baubles in the Treasure Box this week! Two items of which were plunder from the Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival I told you about on Sunday.

Their marketplace is filled with everything from replicas of medieval weaponry to jewelry to soaps and candles. Not being in the market for a dagger at the moment, I selected a couple of necklaces, like this one bearing the image of one of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's red-haired maidens...
I also got this shimmering purple pendant made from lab-adjusted minerals...
And beyond the walls of the Renaissance Faire's "Shire," I picked up a curio wall cabinet I'd been looking for for a while to hold some tiny treasures based on Victorian artist John Tenniel's illustrations...
Complete with a dust-resistant glass door, this was more than I had even expected. It was a find from the Salvation Army Superstore in West Mifflin.

And that's it for our teeny Treasure Box this week. I should be back on schedule again this coming week. The Labor Day holiday just threw me a bit off with my posts. Can you believe it's September already?

How does it happen?

Oh, and because I thought it was funny, I'm going to try to start remembering to include my weekly BlueBoy count on my travels (you can read about the running Blue Boy joke here).

This week's Blue Boy Tally?: Two.

Have a great week!


  1. J'ADORE!

    Both the curio cabinet and the Tenniel figures. Oh, how I would love those! Maybe I'll start trying to find some around here.

  2. Great pieces Jenn... I pray all is well.

    I would like to invite you to my OOAK necklace give-a-way contest:

    Please come & try and score a great piece of REMIXED jewelry. Thanks! That Girl, Ang

  3. I like the stuff you have on your site.The Renaissance festival is a very nice place.I have alway been obsessed by the Medieval stuff.Keep up the good work

  4. JD- I got the Tenniel figures on Ebay. The amount of detail on them is astounding, considering how small they are.

    Ang- Hey, I'm doing well, thanks. Very cool about the giveaway contest!

    Michael- I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I always have fun there.
