Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Treasure Box Wednesday: The Vintage Christmas Decorating Blow-Out Post

I've been meaning to do this for a while for you all-- to gather all of the major vintage Christmas decorating posts I've done over the years into one nicely-wrapped package o' convenient fun.

So if you have a minute and wish to take a gander at some sparkle, some trial-and-error, and some off-beat Christmas tablescapes, mantle decor, an insane amount of little decorated Christmas trees, and general whatnot, this might be the post for you! Just click a link below to unwrap the joy:

Tonight I need to spend some quality time Christmas wrapping. How much do you all want to bet that my kittens will want to "help"? (Translation: everyone will be receiving a quantity of kitten hair along with the tape on every package.)

Keep warm, folks-- it's cold out there!


  1. Great post sweetie! I hope you are enjoying your week! MERRY CHRISTMAS HONEY!!!! Kori xoxo

  2. Beautiful and inspiring as always!!
    Merry Christmas to you, Alice and Harry!

  3. Merry Christmas to you, too, Kori! Thanks for stopping by!

    Hi Andrea!- A merry one to you and yours, as well!

  4. Lovely! I love old ornaments and retro Christmas looks.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. I always love looking at Christmas decorations of other peoples even from years past


    love it

  6. Hi Jenn, I really enjoyed looking at all these posts, but you know, so many times when I visit your blog, the recurring thought that goes through my head is 'that woman must be a martyr to dusting!' - you have so many pretty and intricate things.
    I don't do an awful lot of decorating for xmas, just a huge real tree and some holly and spruce garlands. but one thing I love is getting out the baubles every year. I have done an awful lot of travelling over the years and since I was in my early twenties, wherever I have visited I have bought an ornament for my tree. So now I have 30 years worth of travelling and when I decorate the tree, it brings back all those memories of places I have visited. This year for the first time is hanging a bauble depicting the state of Texas (July trip) and a small fat Mexican (february trip).
    I don't like designer style trees, and much prefer those that have some personal meaning. I can see a similar vein running through all these posts of yours.
    I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful christmas and those moggies don't create havoc with the decorations!

  7. Jealous of those retro ornaments! I didn't find any this year, so my tree is bedecked with dinosaurs! :) Mwahaha.

  8. most of the cats I have had over the years have liked to chew on the curly ribbons on top of packages...something to watch if you put them under your tree or anywhere the furkids can reach lol

  9. Juliana- The dusting's not too bad as I have a lot of things in glass cabinets, which helps cut down on a lot. I love that you have ornaments from your travels. Its a great approach to souvenir collecting.

    Van- Heh, then hoping your Christmas is (tricera)Tops!

    Tiamiatgreen- Oh, that is good to know. So many things to nibble on this time of year, when you're furry!
