A Little Bit of Humor for Your Thursday

Hiya, folks! I'm sorry, I haven't been out hitting the thrift stores this week; rather, I've been working on my novel's sequel during my lunch break and then doing Christmas wrapping in the evenings. (I cannot believe I'm just about done. This is super-early for me and the lack of panic I get to enjoy is almost unsettling!)

Anyway, I don't like to leave you good folks empty-handed. And I thought you all would get a kick out of the post today on my humor blog, Of Cabbages and Kings, detailing a rather unexpectedly funny series of phone messages I've been receiving on my answering machine these past weeks from some persistent strangers.

The post is called, "Orange-Ray Junior, Where You At?" Just click here to check it out.

As an aside, how is everyone's December going so far?

Wishing you much health and joy,


meleah rebeccah said...

OMG, is that your cat in the tree?