We're all thrifty here at The Thrift Shop Romantic. I mean, if there's a way to have big fun on little money, we know all about it, right? So that's why today I'm taking you on my Thanksgiving trip to the Florida Keys...
And you'll never have to pay a dime for airfare... You won't have to worry about accommodations... And the food? It's a feast for the eyes and totally skinny on the wallet...
Are your bags packed? Well, just blink, and we're there!...

Ah! Here we are in Florida. Just feel that balmy breeze! And what do you know?-- it's Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving means you folks, and my dad and I will all be going to the Whale Harbor Inn for an amazing buffet dinner....

Because, ya know, it's hard to bring turkey and all the fixin's on that plane. Airlines have gotten so restrictive about what you can take in your carry-ons. (I hear the turkey gravy can only be in three ounce bottles.)
Well, no worries here, because the turkey is all you can eat...

But if turkey's not your thing, there are more seafood options than you can shake a crab claw at...

And don't forget the dessert! Key Lime pie and flan are just two of the choices...

I simply can't move, can you?
Courtesy of the Whale Harbor's helpful fun house mirrors, here are Dad and I before we ate, all nice, skinny and svelte...

And here we are after eating, fat and a bit blurry... Overindulging will do that to you, I guess.

So let's all go outside to walk it off. And gosh, what a view!

And we meet some local color...

And some more, er, local color...

The next day, we drive to Miami for a bit of antiquing and thrifting. Our route is through the Everglades...

Our first stop is Homestead, in an area of historical buildings and quaint shops...

There's a wide variety of things, including Depression glass, furniture, Victoriana, and even 70s retro finds. (I'll show you what I uncovered on this week's "Treasure Box Wednesday" post. You are, um, too busy finding great things of your own to see what I got.)
Heading up further, we hit the Goodwill thrift store, and the Antique Mall Y'All (I will never tire of that name).
Then, exhausted, we have a bite of dinner and head back South to the Keys.
The next day, we get up early to go garage saling and hit the local flea market! I uncover a few other goodies that I'll unveil on Wednesday (you negotiate for your favorite collectibles). And then we head to the Florida Keys version of Sea World, "Theater of the Sea"...
Here we see some very friendly dolphins...
Encounter the introspective and whiskery sealion...
Chat with some feathered friends...
And give a solemn nod to our elders in the deep...
And then we head home. Me, I am winging my way northward as we speak, back to the world of snow and gray skies.
I hope you all enjoyed this little virtual vacation with me! I'm always glad to have you along.