Though winter weather is still keeping me from some serious thrifting, I'm still not feeling unappreciative-- in fact, I have quite a few things to be happy about. Like the nice folks I know who've thought of me around the holidays in such kind ways.
I thought you all might enjoy seeing a few of the exciting things I'd been sent by family, friends I've known for years, and those I've made online.
Like this fun array of items from Holland, thanks to Tracey, of Tiddlywinks...
How often does a person get a care package from the Netherlands? (If you're not Dutch, that is!) I had the best time opening this and seeing the unique items. The tricky part was to remember to take pictures of it before I started taste testing!
Tracey was extra-lovely, too, in telling me just what these products translated to be. Like the "Dubbel Spekken"...
Which she tells me translates to mean "bacon." But in fact they're long, flat marshmallows! Quite yummy-- though Tracey mentions that they don't quite roast up like traditional marshmallows. Perhaps experimentation is in order!
Here you'll see a lovely little Delft style pill box there in the upper corner, as well as this very minty and extremely square Mentos gum-- quite different from the Mentos we have here. And then these excellent little melt-in-your-mouth chocolates (I've been pacing myself on these), which are called "Koetjes Reep," which Tracey tells us means, "Cow's Bar."
Well, if the cow's want them back, I think they will have to fight me for them. The cows can just get their own. :)
Now these "Kruid Noten" are kind of addictive. They're delicious little crunchy ginger-snap type cookies, only about the size of a dime each. Tracey indicates that it basically translates to "spice nuts," and I can see why, given the crunch and flavor.
And how cool is this?...

Stickers from Holland's football team (soccer for us in the U.S.). Orange is their team color as the royal family's name there is "Oranje." And the writing on the stickers themselves root Holland on with "Go, Holland, Go!" And "We Love Orange!"
Thanks to Tracey, too, for the nifty translations. I would have been sunk without them! I'm currently preparing a package of American goodies to send to her. I've already got my Steelers item picked out, and am just filling a few things in-- I'll show you the items once I get the package safely in her hands! (I don't want to ruin her surprise.)
I thought today would also be a nice time to show you all some things I received for Christmas. Like this gorgeous green Carnival Glass style pitcher from my Dad (no, he didn't carry this on the plane, thankfully-- it weighs a ton!)...
Some sweet cottagey-looking teacups from a friend's mother...
And this amazing pink McCoy planter from my friend Josette...
I feel pretty lucky I have people like this who are so thoughtful to care what I'm interested in.
Anyway, that about does it for this Treasure Box Wednesday.
- If you missed Sunday's post and feel you might want to decorate with 40 onions and impress guests at your next party (or just laugh a lot), click here.
Otherwise, I hope to see you for Sunday's post! Take care and keep warm.
How often does a person get a care package from the Netherlands?
Nope, not very often ! Tracey's package was a big treat !
The Biscuits and chocolates were gone the first day !
The marshmallows were given away and the mentos were chewed & the stickers are stuck !
My favourite is the pill box and I am already using them to store pins and cuff links. I've been meaning to take a picture of it. I'll do that this weekend.
Thankfully you don't need to translate for Tracy ;-)
The other pieces are beautiful too ! I kinda like the teacups. What is nice is that they are finished on the inside too !
Hey glad you liked the things, I just thought of throwing some crazy things in a box that are so typically Dutch. You wait till you see the next box of things I will be putting together, hmmm might need to think of a contest or something.
I love the other things you got for Christmas, if you ever come over here you will go totally nuts with the thrift stores here you might need a sea shipping container to send the stuff back home.
Hmm... Count me in ! This could be a Tri-Nation Competition. ;)
By the way, thank You again Tracey !
Jaffer- Wasn't that sweet? I've been pacing myself, but enjoying the heck out of everything.
Tracey- Ah! You found it!-- I was going to email you to let you know I'd blogged about it, but you beat me to it! I think it's amazing how universal thrifting has become. Good for the environment, and a whole lot of fun.
What a nice package. I'm so jealous.
What lovely gifts! I'm especially jealous of your goodie bag from the Netherlands - LOVE sweet treats :)
I love your carnival pitcher! Good job Dad!
all pics r very nice.
BPO work from home
Oh, those pictures make me miss the Netherlands! Koetjesrepen! Those are so yummy!
And Kruidnoten are also called "Pepernoten" which translates into "pepper nuts" but i think you could have guessed that one..
Cool on the package, and I LOVE that pitcher!
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