When last we left Treasure Box Wednesday, my thrifty bud Scoobie and I had had an exciting adventure down Route 30 here in Pennsylvania. And like one of those excellent shopping dreams you just don't want to wake up from, so many things ended up being 30%-50% off!
Well, I'd shown you a number of items from that trip last week. And I have just a few more to share with you now.
One of my absolute favorites is this delightful hand-tinted bubble-glass photo of a brother and sister reading together...
Sorry about the glare! Because of the bubble-glass, it's a little hard to film without getting a reflection.
I'm guessing because of the style of the frame, the kids' clothes, and the big bow in the sister's hair, the photo is from around 1910-1920-something.
You can see my new li'l chillins here...
Don't they remind you a little of Darla and Porky from The Little Rascals?
One other thing discovered on this trip was... okay... brace yourself for the not-surprise...
A second lamp.
Yes, yes, I know. My friend "Da Old Man" of "Crotchety Old Man Yells at Cars" has already informed me I need a 12-step program for lamp addiction.
And he said that last week before he even saw this one, I'm almost embarrassed to admit...
But I do make room for them. And I give some to other family and friends. So, it's not solely pure lamp greed...
Please don't stage a lamp intervention for me. I need them! :)
In much smaller finds, I uncovered this nice vintage Valentine's hankie at the Salvation Army Thrift Store...
And last, for a whopping $1, I got this pastoral scene tin plate at the Good Samaritan Thrift Store...
Now, before we go today, I thought you all would enjoy seeing the mantle shelf I'd gotten a while ago at Denise's Antique Mall, all cleaned up and polished...
It was going to go on the mantle you currently see it sitting on. But I'm afraid the way the lip of the mantle comes up, the logistics are wrong. I need to rethink where this will go.
- And that leads me to share a few laughs with you if you click here... It's a little humor piece I'd done regarding some, erm.... problems... I experienced this weekend in trying to hoist it in a case of Shelf-Awareness and Shelf-Shabotage.
It wasn't a pretty scene, but I guarantee you'll get a chuckle. (My absurdity might as well at least entertain others.)
Anyway, that's it for today. Wishing you, er, shelf-shatishfaction in all your decorating projects this week! See you Sunday!