Ah... New Year's. The time we take stock of the past 365 days, and take heart for a brighter future. And The Thrift Shop Romantic is no exception.
As a result of this past holiday season, and the year in general, I've got some lessons learned. And I thought I'd share just a few of them with you today as a part of my 2009 New Year's Resolutions.
- To thrift Christmas gifts earlier this year. It's never too soon to start pulling together great gift baskets for Christmas and birthdays. Crazy as it seems with Santa only just jingling off earlier this week-- thinking now makes for better gifting, and a thriftier bottom line, too. It's never too soon to think what other folks might enjoy.
- To better organize my thrifted purchases. Keeping lists, lists, and more detailed lists, will help me know what I've found, and what I still need to get. Targeting a special area to store these gifts should help make finding my purchases less like archaeology and more like a happy holiday.
- To wrap as I go. I believe I've mentioned before, I really hate wrapping gifts. The wrapping paper fights me every step of the way, and I have even less patience with it when I'm in the Christmas rush. So with good lists, nametags and a little initiative, if I could wrap as I thrift, I could eliminate a heckuva lot of holiday stress.
- To look now for Christmas wrap for tomorrow. It's going to be on sale, so now is the time to get it. Inexpensively-- the way we like it!
- To weed out little used clothes for donations. Those of us who love thrift stores know how easy it is to bring goodies home. But a little resolution to clean out the clothes that no longer fit, that just never quite worked, and to donate them back to the thrift stores? Well, someone else will have a great new outfit that works for them... the thrift stores get what they need to thrive... and I get a much tidier house! Win, win, win!
- To donate unnecessary household items. Yes, planning to clean out means getting rid of some extra items I'm not currently using. I have some things I plan to sell on Etsy, but to be honest, there are many things I just won't be gathering together into gift baskets. So why not let others have fun making their own through thrifted treasures? And again-- there's that great extra space to look forward to!
- To stop buying thrifted vintage lamps. Okay, anyone who's a regular reader of this blog knows this one might be a toughy for me. In fact, I'd like to make this not be so much a "resolution," as sort of a "suggestion" because I don't see me getting very far with this. Nonetheless, I'm putting it out there. How many vintage lamps does a girl need really? (Answer: a lot.)
But, you know, the more things change, the more things stay the same. So as far as The Thrift Shop Romantic blog itself goes-- for 2009, I resolve:
- To continue to share with you slivers of our past as found through thrifted goodies...
- We'll snicker together over surprising vintage recipes...
- We'll examine the best and funniest in decorating ideas
- We'll craft together when time permits...
- And we'll hit the road when antiquing adventures call...
- We'll tour local attractions...
- And sometimes we'll just stay home with a nice cup of tea.
- From 50s frills or Victorian velvet, together we'll make 2009 a beautiful, warm and inviting year.
- If you missed Sunday's "Post-Christmas Thrifting Post," click here.
And otherwise-- HAPPY (and Thrifty!) NEW YEAR!!