To quote Popeye, "I'd had all I could stands, and I can't stands no more." This was Saturday, after days and days of snowfall, which had kept me indoors, staring at the walls.
I mean, I love my house. But there
is such a thing as too much togetherness.
So in spite of continual flurries, I decided I would make a truncated trip down Route 30, as long as the roads were clear.
But the Thrifting Gods were kind, and I uncovered a number of things I knew
just where they would go.
I'll start with my most surprising discovery. See this little handled green crock?...

The chartreuse limey color attracted my eye as I have quite a bit of this color in my kitchen, between my pseudo-retro coffeemaker and toaster, and some Lemongrass Fiesta ware.
But turn the bowl over and...

McCoy? I won't even make you guess the price, because it wouldn't be fair. I'll just tell you:
$0.79!!That would be my cheapest McCoy piece yet.
Interestingly, at another store, one of the workers there was talking about how he feels there's no market for McCoy anymore. That he has quite a bit of it in the store, but no one buys it.
I'm not so sure about that. I think it might have more to do with the color of the McCoy rather than McCoy itself. As a McCoy amasser, I noticed his pieces myself as I went a-traveling. And I personally wasn't interested in it because it was almost all yellow. I haven't spied yellow as being a particularly trendy color at the moment.
I wonder whether if it comes back into fashion, people will be more interested in his pieces for their decor?
I just thought it was interesting how markets change.
Anyway, at the L&L Fleatique, I found a great mint green vintage desk lamp I simply couldn't pass up...

In great shape, with lovely lines, and an $8 price tag, I had it in my hand pretty quickly!
On my journey, I also snagged a bunch of these lamp crystals. I knew just what I needed them for, the question at the time was only how many I needed. Fortunately, I guessed correctly...

You can see them in their new home here...

And last, I got this pretty hobnail Moonstone bottle. I have been swapping some of the dollar store bottles I'd had on my stained glass window ledge for more interesting vintage pieces, so the bottle now resides here...

It's missing its stopper, but I don't think that really detracts from it's beauty.
So that's the story for this Wednesday.
Have yourselves a nifty, thrifty remainder to your week!