And you were right.
But the problem for me is, the Rogers Flea Market, located in Rogers, Ohio, about an hour and a half from Pittsburgh is on Fridays only. And unfortunately, this fan of secondhand stuff is usually working on Fridays. Y'know-- that day job that helps pay for my vintage dishware addiction.
But my buddy Josette, who I've been friends with since I was five, was visiting this last week. And as luck would have it, I had a rare Friday off. So Josette and I got into the car covered with about half-a-pound of SPF 30 sunscreen each, and we wended our way through green farms, pretty hamlets and rustic railroad rimmed domiciles...
The Rogers Flea Market has free parking, which is good because if you're not adverse to walking a bit, you might just want to grab the first shady parking space you see. This place is packed!
Their web site boasts it's the largest flea market in the tri-state area, with over 1,600 vendors-- and I believe that, because you pass simply row after row of wares!...

Old stuff, new stuff, big stuff, little stuff... Whatever you were looking for, collected or even reminisced about, you could almost guarantee somebody had it. And dotted here and there in between those booths, were booths of food, drink, whatever tickled your tastebuds. I can see why they did it that way, too--
With such a distance to cover, having refreshment stands in between the flea market booths reduced the possibility of... oh... passing out in the heat. Because wow, friends, last Friday was a scorcher!
Yes, scorch it did, but it wasn't so hot that Josette and I weren't able to procure a few secondhand pretties. Like Josette's Fitz and Floyd Christmas Cat plate...
For my buddy Scoobie, who was away on vacation and wasn't able to join us, I bought her a little souvenir for her Western decorating collection-- a Buffalo Bill Jim Beam bottle...
And for me, I got a piece of my Anchor Hocking moonstone glassware for... wait for it... $1.
Anyway, for those thinking they might like to make a trip to Rogers Flea Market themselves, I advise--
- Wear good ol' solid walking shoes you know you're comfortable in...
- Make sure you get plenty of fluids
- Wear sunscreen-- that sun beats down and there isn't a ton of shade for reprieve
- Prepare to walk
- Consider bringing a small wheelie cart you can pull along with you to carry larger goodies
- And have a blast!
45625 State Route 154Thanks to Josette for investigating it with me and withstanding some killer blisters on her feet! And thanks to you all for visiting today. Now that I no longer have houseguests, The Thrift Shop Romantic should be back on its normal posting schedule.
Rogers, Ohio 44456
Phone: (330) 227-3233
Take care, folks! And happy hunting!
How long was the drive from TO ?
I would love to visit a place like that!
Oops forget my comment! I comment on the wrong blog (brain fart) I was sure I was on the thrift bog from toronto (how crazy is that?)
Sounds fun! I love it when my sister & I can junk store or garage sale together.
I've never done a big flea like that ... I really need to try it.
Thanks for sharing your finds!
Now that is an awesome place! I love your little dish for $1...score!
Oh, I'm so happy you finally made it to Rogers! I have gotten the BEST stuff there for great prices!
I was home in Ohio for a week a couple of weeks ago, but I wasn't able to get to Rogers--my one regret!
Vonlipi- Heh, although you rescinded your question, I can say-- having driven to Toronto from my place, which is about an hour south of Rogers, OH, your Toronto driver would probably have a ride of around 4 hours to get there. Which would be a haul! :)
Beth- Glad to share! I've done some big flea markets before, but this one really seemed to be the biggest of the bunch.
Linda- It was all dirty and unloved, too. So I was happy to give it a new home. Especially for $1. :)
Janelle- Well, when you're visiting family, unfortunately, you can't always get to everything and everyone you want to see.
Hi Jenn!
Yeah! You did it! Thanks so much for "paving the way." As one of your devoted "students of thrift," I feel much more informed and better equipped to make the trek to Rogers. I'm gonna have to choose a Friday that's not too hot, though. The heat, especially humid heat, just wears me out! Thanks again!!
Colleen- Yup, definitely a slightly overcast or cool day would be preferable. It was heavy with humidity when we went, so like you said, it did wipe us out.
I forgot to say- the best part about the Buffalo Bill bottle - the tax stamp!
Sounds like a trip I would love to make. Especially with a friend, so one of us can stay with the loot at end of day, and the other can bring up the car for loading!
I had a friend drive 3 hours to play tourist with me yesterday. Mainly garage sales, but it is more fun with a buddy.
That Buffalo Bill Jim Beam bottle's pretty funny.
Cool blog!
Great finds and I have been there several times although not in the last year. One time my daughter and I filled every inch of a pick-up truck with a cap. We had so much fun. Ever been to Hazen Flea Market? It is north of Brookville on the first weekend of every month. A great country ride also.
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