Hi, everyone. My name is Jenn... and I'm a vintage lamp addict.
(Chorus: "Hi, Jenn!")
I have been picking up interesting old lamps willy-nilly at thrift stores and antique malls for... oh... six years now. But I know I'm not the only one. No, indeed-- studies say Vintage Lamp Addiction affects one in 50. And it is the most popular thrifting addiction right after Wicker Basket Amassment Syndrome, Pyrexia, and Dishaholism.
And so I thought that today, as a Thrift Shop Romantic public service, I would detail for everyone, the top signs that you, too, might suffer from this fascinating yet powerful need for unique yet affordable table lighting.
- Your hands tremble slightly each time you approach a thrift store lighting section
- You pick up chandelier crystals at flea markets and salvage yards "just in case."
- You have three lamps in every room, but only two outlets. And you don't care.
- You hoard rewiring kits the way some people collect cats.
- The sight of a box of interesting fennials, or a roll of shade fringe, leaves you a little breathless and dizzy.
- When you hear people use the phrase "time to cut the cord" you immediately envision a lamp with a wiring problem.
- When you have a lighbulb idea go off in your head, you can also identify the wattage.
- You named your daughter Tiffany after your favorite lamp manufacturer. Her middle name is "Wisteria." Your son's name is Dale.
- You catch yourself checking out the lighting in pubs, those restaurants with all the stuff on the walls, and movie sets.
- For Christmas, some people ask for new socks or jewelry. You request socket sets.
- At the corporate holiday party, you're the only one who comes to the party already wearing the lampshade on your head. You bring spare shades for others.
Yes, Vintage Lamp Addiction plugs thrifters into a strange subculture of electricity consumption and unending lamp display rotation. Rehabilitation is rarely successful; addicts find the fascination almost impossible to kick. We see an exciting specimen of lampness and suddenly, we are reaching for our wallets. Before we know it, we are embracing our new find on the way to the car.
We can't help it. You might say, we're simply wired this way!
- If you missed last Treasure Box Wednesday, where we take a look at the latest lamp find, and other less obsessive goodies, click here.
Great Post. That chandelier is beautiful. I too am a Thriftaholic think it has something to do with the name?
I'm definitely going to follow you :O)
Jen- Given how many Jens there are out there, if we're all also thriftaholics, we might just be supporting the entire thrift store industry ourselves! :)
Power to the Jens. :)
How hard is it to rewire a lamp? I'm not Martha Stewart and I've never tried to fix any of the lamps that I've thrifted. If something won't work, it's for decorative purposes only at my house. I still need some more shades to go with the assorted lamps that I've stashed away. I do not like plain-jane lampshades, so I need to hustle over to Hobby Lobby and buy some embellishments and get the glue gun out.
So, how many lamps DO you have????
CONFESS It's good therapy.
I guess I am on my way. Whenever I'd dine out, I always check out the restaurant's lighting fixtures. I love the sign about having not enough outlets for excess lamps. Great design blog.
You might be interested in some more thrifting fun.
Jenn, the first step is admitting you have a problem.
Andrea- Not too hard at all. Most rewiring kits come with instructions on how to do it, and really, I should post some here on TSR at some point to share with you all. I really recommend it in the case of vintage lamps, because many a time, I've removed the cord for rewiring only to see the early plastic has started crumbling and decaying. Rewiring ensures things are a lot safer.
And I honestly don't know how many lamps I have. I have a few put away, in addition to the ones I'm using.
Fine Life Folk- Ah, so I'm not the only one looking around a restaurant and thinking, "Wow, those are some nifty lamps!" :)
Da Old Man- Are ya proud of me? :) Technically, you helped inspire this post, you know.
The chandalier lamp is gorgeous, but not vintage. I bought the same one at T.J. Maxx a few years ago for 60 dollars.
I have met my sister, just observed I have I arts and crafts lamp, a clarice cliff , a newel post gasolier ,hollywood regency lamp, a desk gasolier , 2 cloisonne vase lamps , 2 persian painted lamps , a piano lamp , a castle gasoiler , 2 harp oil lamps , 4 chandeliers , 2 standard lamps , a tole peinte lamp ,2 wall gasoliers , 3 pharmacy lamps ,and about ten odd lamps oh several irish pottery lamps , 2 murano lamps , 2 chrome lamps , and ten oil lamps , that I can think of I think I may have a problem is there a lumanati addiction program as i think I may need help , of the chandelier drops a boxfull just in case there may be a global shortage , if anyone needs a lamp contact me I probably have it jaime kerr healy on facebook
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