At least at the moment, anyway. But truth be told, if anything, I need to apply myself more wholeheartedly to getting rid of unnecessary things, instead of acquiring more.
I made a good dent in that this week, by going through old clothing and coming up with three jigunda Hefty garbage bags of donations for Goodwill and the Salvation Army.
And it felt so GOOD. Watching those three-bags-full, to borrow from the nursery rhyme, head on their way to brand new homes, where someone else will really enjoy them....
It made me realize how many of my personal belongings come full circle... From thrift to home to thrift again. There's almost something poetic about that.
Or dizzying.
Other items, I am debating between putting on Ebay or Etsy (I'd love to hear from folks who have inside knowledge on the processes, in favor of one venue versus the other). I believe I mentioned this last fall, and never got around to it due to the craziness of the holidays. But I have a number of items that I think would make fun and lovely vintage gift baskets once they're put together. I also have a lot of mismatched china that's surplus to requirement. So this summer, I plan to develop my game-plan and finally take the time to place these items.

For those who joined my mailing list, to be notified when these items are listed, I've kept your information safe, and will still notify you when I start selling. If anyone additional would like to join that list, just let me know. My email address can be found through my Blogger profile...
And please, no spammers.
That said, I did go thrifting a little this week. I mean, when you drop off donations to the Goodwill and Salvation Army and you're right there anyway, it only makes SENSE to stop inside the store. You know, to be truly ironic.
But, while I saw some interesting things, I just didn't need any of it. Then on Saturday, in between a friend's wedding ceremony and reception I had a few hours to kill. And what did I happen to be near? Why, the Red White and Blue thrift store. And there, that's when I got this lovely embroidered tablecloth...

And this Victorian style shower curtain...

Only at a thrift store can you arrive with very little cash and still come out with some goodies, and change to spare.
Well, I'm afraid that's really all I have in the Treasure Box for this week....
- For those who missed Sunday's post on special tips for better thrift store shopping, click here.
- For those who missed last week's Treasure Box post, filled with roses and other garden beauties, you'll find that here.
Here's hoping you're staying cool and comfortable in all the heat and humidity. Drink plenty of iced tea, lemonade or any other refreshing beverage of your choice-- preferably overlooking a tranquil landscape. And maybe I'll see you Sunday? If not, have a wonderful rest of your week.
Wow, for being measly, you find great stuff!
I'm having my 100th post giveaway today...for one week. Pop on over to try and win a box full of vintage goodies!
Hi, I sell some stuff on Ebay and must say it is time consuming. I am off work for the summer so have more time for online selling. Let me know if you have any specific concerns and I will gladly give you my tuppence worth! (I'd rather blog but don't get paid for it) cheers Pam
Jillian- Thanks, I'll pop by and see what you're up to. And congrats on your 100th post. I know how much effort goes into reaching that milestone!
Pam- Thanks for the heads-up on the time-consuming angle. I was rather concerned it might be. If I run into any specific questions, I will definitely give you a shout-- thank you much! :)
I've heard pretty good things about etsy from a friend who makes hand made blankets.
I've been at ebay for over 10 years buying and selling. I stopped selling a couple years ago, and from what I hear, it has not been very good lately.
I know a free site you can try. Email me and I'll give you details if you'd like. To paraphrase Ricky to Lucy, "There's some 'splaining to do."
Jen, I just posted this query on my blog recently, so feel free to look at the comments I've received:
A number of readers also emailed me privately. With etsy's brand-new-ish "vintage" category, it seems this is the way to go. All the advice I've received is positive, except, perhaps for the shipping aspects, particularly if this is not your full-time gig.
Thanks for broadening the discussion: XOX
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