We've talked about this sort of thing before: regular thrifters know, you can't control what washes onto your shores in the tidal wave of thrift. You might bob and take direction in the surf of goodies based on so many factors. And yet, when your eyes are out there scanning the jetsom, and your brain is in a particular mode, sometimes it seems everything that crosses your path is just what you might be looking for.
It was oddly themic this way for me this weekend, almost as if the Thrifting Gods were determined to give me a few finishing touches for
my Alice in Wonderland themed kitchen.
My favorite item is actually one I didn't find myself. And I have my buddy Scoobie to thank for it! On her separate thrifting travels, she recalled I'd been looking for a red metal napkin holder they had once sold at Target, and now don't seem to have anymore.
At the Red White and Blue in Bellevue, Scoobie came across the very item I'd been searching for and snagged it for me...

I was absolutely delighted when I met her for lunch Saturday and she asked, "Hey, did you want this?" AGHHH! Yes!! Yes, I do! Yippee!
Lucky am I to have a buddy with such a sharp eye and good memory! So, thanks again, Scoobie.
At the Salvation Army Superstore, I came across a couple other items to coordinate with my kitchen theme. Like this Alice in Wonderland collector's plate...

Amazingly, it still has its original box and collector's certificate...

And last, some playing card style snack set trays were simply too fun, and had too much potential, to pass up...

Just a few along my upper shelf added a little extra something, I think. Not quite what the manufacturers may have intended and a far cry from weekly cribbage night, but hey, whatever works!...

I hope your thrifting adventures take you to fun destinations, too, this week!
I love it when things just appear as if by magic that you want/need! Love the plate, that seems like a wonderful item for your theme. Good friends who thrift and remember what you want are priceless!
Nice treasures! I am always amazed at what things can be found at thrift stores!
Nice kismet!
I just love your blogs! I giggled when I saw this one. I have this napkin holder on my table. I also have the cooking tool holder by my stove. I have to say, you solved a long-time mystery with your posting about lamps with the torchiere style shade. I have one that I bought in a thrift store (I'm a complete thrift store addict and a pyrex-maniac). I thought (like you) that the lamp had its shade and thanks to you, I learned that the "shade" was really a diffuser. Thanks for your musings. I'm a loyal follower.
Oh I love that napkin holder - it really makes a statement.
Linda- Oh, you said it! I'm so lucky and grateful!
Craftdrawer- I agree! Even after thrifting all these years, every now and then I'll see something that comes into the thrift stores that completely surprises me.
Mary- Ah, "kismet" would have been way better in my title-- if only I could have tapped into your good brain before I published. :)
Val- Oh, I'm so glad the torchiere info helped you, too! You'd think that info would have been a little easier to learn, wouldn't you? My parents were both savvy antiquers, and I don't believe it ever came up with them, either.
Daniele- Thanks for visiting!
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