IIIIIIII'm dreaming of a
Shatterprooooooof Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the bright orbs glisten
And kittens listen
As IIII'm pleading, "No! Down! Noooooo!"
I had a sneaking suspicion that decorating the tree this year was going to be a bit...
different... than other years.

And I had barely assembled my nifty artificial tree when-- "BOINK!"-- Harry the Five Month Old Kitten appeared within its branches to demonstrate the reason I had thought going "shatterproof" in terms of Christmas ornaments this year was a pretty darned good idea.
It was nice of me, he felt, to put up this giant climbing wall for him.

"Tree kittens? I don't see any tree kittens! Where?"
Then there was the little question of adding the garland. I had some... um...
help this year, but I suspect this kind of help will be more useful when it comes to taking
down the tree instead of putting it up.

However, what I
didn't suspect was that after a certain amount of requisite batting and climbing and biting, my furred buddies would lose interest entirely in favor of a few empty ornament boxes and a bit of Christmas ribbon. And I would be allowed to actually
decorate the thing,
and keep the decorations

And it's still standing this morning!
know. Shocking, right?

My optimism led me to decorate a tiny pink tree to put on top of my refrigerator, out of the reach (maybe) of touchy-feely paws.
I had found at Tuesday Morning some glass Alice in Wonderland ornaments from the same artist that did my dishes. So with them, and some mushrooms, top-hats and teapot ornaments K-Mart had had (completely unrelated to any Alice theme) I pulled this colorful little jobbie together.

You can see the White Rabbit, Queen's card men and a jingly little mushroom here...

And the Hat, Alice and the Cheshire Cat dressed as a snowman here.

Lastly, one of the teapots and the Hatter himself...

After all this, I guess I don't need to tell you, we were all pretty tired out...

Thank goodness for Trader Joe's shopping bags. They have a million and one uses.
Take care folks, and I hope
you all aren't shattered from too much pre-Christmas activity.