Well, it's been a very merry weekend-- for two reasons.
Let's go to the real thrifty news first.
Now in North Versailles, PA, across Route 30 from the location of the Good Samaritan Thrift Store, Rossi's Pop-up Flea Market and-- to speak in legitimate Pittsburghese-- "Where the Old Ames Department Store Used to Be," is a brand new Goodwill Outlet Store, which just opened November 10.
It's a huge building where everything that didn't sell at their stores in a certain time is sold by the pound. Housewares, furniture, clothes, etc. (I believe there is special pricing for things like electronics.)
Anyway, for local folks who miss the Goodwill that used to be there in North Versailles, across the street, I think you'll find this a pleasure. I'll have to get some contact information for it and update my Thrift Store Listings for the area.
I'm curious, for folks not in our region, have you ever been to a Goodwill Outlet Store? Are there others across the country?
Anyway, next-- I brought home something secondhand of a different nature... Four-month-old black-and-white kitten, Harry, from the local no-kill animal shelter, Animal Friends.
My resident kitten, eight-month-old Alice has been unnaturally grateful to see me when I return home evenings. This seems to have happened after a month where my Dad was there during the day keeping her company. While I love that she misses me so much, the fawning, over-relieved attention she pays me seems a little unhealthy for her. (Or perhaps she's a dog in disguise.) So I thought she might benefit from a little buddy.
Harry has much of Alice's personality-- friendly, happy and playful. So far their initial introductions have gone very well.
I have been informed by friends that two cats doesn't yet make me a Crazy Cat Lady. Crazy, perhaps. Owning cats, yes. But Crazy Cat Lady has apparently an Exceeding Two Cats threshold.
I'm apparently on the brink. :)
And for those who are curious, yes, Harry was named for Harry Potter. It just seemed to balance out well with the other kitten, named for Alice in Wonderland. I tried other literary names, but kinda thought "Atticus Finch" was a little too much nobility to weigh on a four month old kitten.
To all you thrifters and crazy cat ladies and secondhand pet adopters and all my other beloved friends out there, have a great week until I see your shiny faces again, perhaps, for Wednesday's post.